Submitted by hgunnlau on

Vinda is a set of precompiled functions, macros and templates that are used for the analysis of Mössbauer spectra using Microsoft Excel. VindaD is the latest version, currently under development. A updated version can be expected after the ICAME conference (21/9/2015),

Download VindaD setup file (Version 0.7)

Installation guide

You are welcome to refer to Vinda as

H. P. Gunnlaugsson, Spreadsheet Based Analysis of Mössbauer Spectra, Hyperfine Interact. 237 (2016) 79, doi.: 10.1007/s10751-016-1271-z


Version history

0.7: 28/9/15, Many small corrections, 151Eu added, Manual updated, xlam file is now in c:\program files\... directory.

0.6: 17/2/15, Corrected error in the titanomagnetite model, unfinished test of PAC analysis included, GettErr function implemented (not tested throughoughly)

0.5: 30/1/15, Added OptLP to the ribbon, Added calculation of standard deviationin distribution models, manual updated (slightly), Tutorials (unfinished) added, Copy-sheet in error analysis implemented, automatic update from VindaB to VindaD added (untested), added About box with meaningful information

0.4: 26/1/15, corrected yet another error in publishing calibrations

0.3: 25/1/15, corrected error in publishing calibrations

0.2: 24/1/15, corrected calculation of folding offset in calibration sheets, Made format enhancements to the calibration sheets and automatic updated of the folding offset

0.1: Initial release
